
Festivities and Events

Events in cusco

Events & Schedule



Ollantaytambo Festival
Ollantaytambo, Feast of the Three Kings, religious processions, great folk dances


San Sebastian Festival
San Sebastian, religious festival of the town's patron saint, great folk dances, food and fruit tasting.


Province of Canas, district of Yanaoca (Community of Checa). A ritual struggle between the people of the communities of Checa and Quehue who fight each other in war games to stimulate the fertility of the land.


Toqto Fights
Province of Chumbivilcas, District of Livitaca (Toctopata) Cusco. They are held in Toqto, a town located between the districts of Yanaoca and Livitaca. They are 3 days of fighting and performances of the past when people fought to gain more land.


Lord of the Tremors
The Black Christ and the Crimson Flower (Easter) - March Fortnight and first week of April : Since 1650, when the faithful claimed that an image of Christ on the cross had helped them in a devastating earthquake that occurred in the city of Cusco, the inhabitants of this town have paid homage to the image of Taitacha Tremors, the Lord of Tremors. The celebration takes place on Easter Monday during Holy Week.


Cruz Velacuy (Festival of the Crosses)
A religious pagan festival, held in the countryside and currently also in the city, this festival is held at night, where the crosses are venerated, and the next day the crosses are taken to the nearest town or church.


Lord of Torrechayoc
Province of Urubamba, District of Urubamba Cusco. This festival began to be celebrated in 1860 when a huge cross was placed in the snow, and the opening of a railroad section (Urubamba-Lares), was celebrated with a mass.


The Feast of the Lord of Q'oyllur Riti
On May (variable) : It is held in the Province of Quispicanchi, district of Ocongate. It is considered the largest indigenous festival in the Americas, bringing together thousands of farmers, from other areas of the mountains (Cajamarca, Apurimac), and even from other countries, such as Bolivia. The cult dates back to pre-Hispanic times, when the inhabitants went to worship the sun and the Apus. According to legend, the Lord of Q'oyllur Riti is the image of a crucified Christ who appeared on a rock in 1780.


The Corpus Christi
(Variable date)It is one of the most important processions in Cusco, this festivity takes place between May and June, 60 days after Easter. In the cathedral, fifteen images from the different neighborhoods of the city are gathered together: Saint Anthony, Saint Jerome, Saint Sebastian, Saint Barbara, Saint Anne, the patron saint Saint James, Saint Blaise, Saint Peter, the Virgin of the Nativity, the Virgin of Bethlehem, the Immaculate Virgin, the Purified Virgin and the Virgin of the Remedies. These are taken to the cathedral where they greet the Holy Host, kept in a gold monstrance weighing 26 kilos and 1.2 m high. After a walk through the main square, where they remain for a week.


Inti Raymi
The Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun was the most important festival in Inca times. It was celebrated on the occasion of the winter solstice - the solar new year - for a people whose main object of worship was the Inti god (the sun), in the Plaza de Huacaypata in Cusco. The religious, festive, ceremonial, social and political importance was such that the celebration extended throughout the Tahuantisuyo.


Festival of the Virgen of Carmen
Paucartambo, Cusco. Four hours from Cusco, is the town of Paucartambo, where thousands of believers worship the Virgin of Carmen, locally called Mamacha Carmen, patron saint of the mestizos. The celebration begins in the Main Square, where bands of musicians play their instruments, while richly dressed choirs sing in Quechua, giving rise to ingenious choreographies that represent passages from the history of Peru. During five days, dance groups of different costumes (Doctorcitos, Contradanza, Waca Waca, Sarjas and more groups of dancers) are presented and they parade in procession accompanying the "Mamacha" during all its tour by the main square, the atrium of the temple and the streets of the town.


"Pachamama Raymi" - Mother Earth Day
It is held throughout the department of Cusco. This is an Andean ritual that worships and pays tribute to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) in a special ceremony called "payment to the earth" with offerings of coca leaves, corn liquor and huayruro seeds (seeds from the mystical forest): Pachamama raymi in the district of Ccatca, Wataqallariy in the district of Maras, and Kinturaymi in Huasao in the district of Oropesa.


Lord of Huanca
Province of Calca, District of San Salvador, Cusco. The story of the Lord of Huanca began in 1675 when, it is said, Jesus Christ appeared in a cave to Diego Quispe, an Indian who was walking in the area. His living history inspired one of the best painters of the time to reproduce the image on a rock.


Santuranticuy Fair
Cusco, Fair of colonial origin, this one congregates to hundreds craftsmen and painters in the Seat of Arms of Cusco, is one of the days with greater cultural and artistic expression of the year, where many of them expose their creations amalgamating the art, the culture, the traditions, the interculturality with the Christmas and the birth of Jesus.
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